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1. INTRODUCTION These Terms and Conditions of Use are an agreement between you (“Customer,” “you” or “your”) and authorized staff of Alpha Clinic and SECC LLC. By using any of our products and services, you agree that you are at least 18 years old, legally able to enter into a contract, and have read and consented to this agreement. We plan to update this Agreement from time to time, so please check back regularly. All updates are effective immediately when we post them and apply to all access to and use of Alpha Clinic’s products or services thereafter.
2. DESCRIPTION OF ALPHA CLINIC. Alpha Clinic is a medical spa that offers wellness and aesthetic services that include but are not limited to Semaglutide weight loss, testosterone replacement therapy, injectables, and other treatments.
3. VALIDITY OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES Alpha Clinic uses electronic signatures in the course of doing business that are valid e-signatures in the United States under the 2000 U.S. Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) as adopted by individual states. Erasable Inc. does not authenticate users’ signatures or identities.
4.1 Payment. Customers must pay fees according to the payment terms specified at the time services are ordered
4.2 Disputes. If Customer believes in good faith that Alpha Clinic has incorrectly billed Customer, the Customer must contact Alpha Clinic in writing within 30 days of the billing date, specifying the error. Unless Customer has notified Alpha Clinic of the dispute, Customer must reimburse Alpha Clinic’s reasonable collection costs (including attorney’s fees). The customer must pay the undisputed portions of Alpha Clinic’s invoice as required by this Agreement.
4.4 Taxes. Prices do not include applicable taxes. Alpha Clinic will invoice Customer for any applicable taxes, and Customer must pay these taxes.
4.5 Delivery. Alpha Clinic’s products and/or services are deemed to be delivered and accepted upon payment.
4.6 Refunds. All sales are considered final, but Alpha Clinic reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refund all or part of a sale on a case-by-case basis.
4.7 Other Promotions. We may run promotional offers from time to time, the terms of which are promoted on our website or in emails. Promotions may not be combined. Unless otherwise indicated, we may establish and modify, in our sole discretion, the terms of such offer and end such offer at any point.
5. YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ALPHA CLINIC: Alpha Clinic is a medical spa designed to offer a variety of elective cosmetic procedures and customers engage Alpha Clinic’s products and services by choice. Products and services require customer disclosure of potentially harmful medical issues. Failure to disclose potentially harmful medical issues can result in unwanted side effects that you agree Alpha Clinic shall not be held liable for.
6. YOUR PRIVACY Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy, which explains how Alpha Clinic treats your personal information and protects your privacy.
7. FEEDBACK We may provide you with a mechanism to provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas on our products and services. You grant us the irrevocable right to use your feedback and incorporate your suggestions into our products and services without any obligation to provide attribution or compensation to you or any third party.
I have read and understand this waiver and have been fully informed of all Alpha Clinic terms and conditions as well as benefits and limitations. I certify that I have disclosed all medical conditions that might affect my treatments as well as previous products and services used and their side effects, if any. Alpha Clinic disclaims liability for any loss, injury, claim, or damage related to your use of its products and services, including without limitation, those resulting from errors or omissions, a site or application being down, data loss, and unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes. Alpha Clinic will not be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, consequential, reliance, or special damages, including without limitation damages arising from any court action or legal dispute. In no event shall the aggregate liability of Alpha Clinic, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, whether active, passive or imputed), product liability, strict liability or other theory, arising out of or relating to the use of Alpha Clinic’s products or services, exceed any compensation paid by you for treatment by Alpha Clinic during the three months prior to the date of any claim. I release my providers from any injury or complication resulting from undiagnosed medical conditions present during my treatment. I assume all responsibility for updating changes in physical and mental condition.
9. INDEMNIFICATION You will indemnify and hold harmless Alpha Clinic and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, and assigns from any costs, damages, expenses, and liability caused by your use of any of Alpha Clinic’s products and services or your violation of these Terms of Service.
10. MODIFICATION OF THESE TERMS OF SERVICE We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service. You agree that your use of Alpha Clinic’s products and services after a modification will be treated as acceptance of the modified Terms of Service.
11. CONTACT US By email: christina@alphacliniconline.com
12.1 Choice of Law, Jurisdiction & Venue. You agree that any disputes with Alpha Clinic arising from or connected to your products and/or services at Alpha Clinic will be governed by the laws of the state of Florida, that Florida courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any such disputes, and that Florida will serve as the venue.
12.2 Headings for Convenience Only. The headings of sections and sub-sections in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not intended to affect the meaning of the Agreement.
12.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, along with invoices, sales orders or other purchase-related communication, is the entire agreement between you and Alpha Clinic with respect to your use of Alpha Clinic and its products and services. We reserve any rights not expressly granted here.
12.4 Non-Waiver. No waiver by the Company of any term or condition set forth in this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Company to assert a right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
12.5 Severability. If any provision of these Terms of Service is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of these Terms of Service will continue in full force and effect.
The following document lays out all the steps you MUST follow in order to start treatment. A member of the Alpha Clinic medical staff will be on call if you experience any adverse side effects on any of our programs. Our medical staff at Alpha Clinic will work diligently to get ahead of any adverse side effects, but as the patient, you agree to NOT START any treatment until you have completed an in-person or telehealth consultation with an Alpha Clinic nurse practitioner.
By signing below you understand and agree to the following:
You are a resident of the state of Florida or Georgia.
Following the purchase of a program you will be signed up for a Power2Practice patient portal.
You will receive an email from Power2 Practice to comp telehealth consultation with an Alpha Clinic nurse practitioner.
You understand that following the completion of your consultation and completion of consent forms you will receive a (one) month supply of the program you purchased.
Following each (one) month you are required to complete a telehealth or in-person check-in with an Alpha Clinic nurse practitioner in order to safely and accurately continue your program.
There are no refunds only credit for equal or lesser value products
You will inform an Alpha Clinic Nurse Practitioner if you suffer from any adverse side effectslete your treatment-specific consent forms on your patient portal.
You understand that following the completion of your consent forms you will be contacted by our office to get scheduled for an in-person or
You will use the medication AS DIRECTED by an Alpha Clinic Nurse Practitioner.
Alpha Clinic Privacy Policy
You may use this form to allow your healthcare provider to access and use your health information. Your choice of whether to sign this form will not affect your ability to get medical treatment, payment for medical treatment, health insurance enrollment, or eligibility for benefits.
By signing this form, I voluntarily authorize, give my permission, and allow the use and disclosure:
OF WHAT: All my health information including any information about sensitive conditions (if any)
FROM WHOM: All information sources
TO WHOM: Specific person(s) or organization(s) permitted to receive my information (must be a healthcare provider):
Person/Organization Name: Dr. Jonathan Constantin/ Christina Feliciano APRN-BC / SECC LLC d/b/a Alpha Clinic
Phone: (904) 827-3709
Address: 3545 St Johns Bluff #3, Jacksonville, FL 32224
PURPOSE: To provide patients with medical treatment and related services and products, and to evaluate and improve patient safety and
the quality of medical care provided to all patients.
EFFECTIVE PERIOD: This authorization/permission form will remain in effect until my death or the day I withdraw my permission.
REVOKING MY PERMISSION: I can revoke my permission at any time by giving written notice to the person or organization named
above in “To Whom.”
In addition:
I authorize the use of a copy (including an electronic copy) of this form for the disclosure of the information described above.
I understand that there are some circumstances where this information may be redisclosed to other persons.
I understand that refusing to sign this form does not stop the disclosure of my health information that is otherwise permitted by law without my specific authorization or permission.
I have read all pages of this form and agree to the disclosures above from the types of sources listed.
NOTE: This form is invalid if modified. You are entitled to get a copy of this form after you sign it.
Explanation of Form
“Universal Patient Authorization for Full Disclosure of Health Information for Treatment & Quality of Care”
Laws and regulations require that some sources of personal information have a signed authorization or permission form before releasing it. Also, some laws require specific authorization for the release of information about certain conditions and from educational sources.
“Of What”: includes all of your health information, including:
1. All records and other information regarding your health history, treatment, hospitalization, tests, and outpatient care. This
information may relate to sensitive health conditions (if any), including but not limited to:
a. Drug, alcohol, or substance abuse
b. Psychological, psychiatric or other mental impairment(s) or developmental disabilities (excludes “psychotherapy notes” as
defined in HIPAA at 45 CFR 164.501)
c. Sickle cell anemia
d. Birth control and family planning
e. Records which may indicate the presence of an infectious disease or noncommunicable disease; and tests for or records of
HIV/AIDS sexually transmitted diseases or tuberculosis
f. Genetic (inherited) diseases or tests
2. Copies of educational tests or evaluations, including Individualized Educational Programs, assessments, psychological and speech
evaluations, immunizations, recorded health information (such as height, and weight), and information about injuries or treatment.
3. Information created before or after the date of this form.
“From Whom” includes: All information sources including but not limited to medical and clinical sources (hospitals, clinics, labs, pharmacies, physicians, psychologists, etc.) including mental health, correctional, addiction treatment, Veterans Affairs health care facilities, state registries and other state programs, all educational sources that may have some of my health information (schools, records administrators, counselors, etc.), social workers, rehabilitation counselors, insurance companies, health plans, health maintenance organizations, employers, pharmacy benefit managers, worker’s compensation programs, state Medicaid, Medicare, and any other governmental program.
“To Whom”: For those health care providers listed in the “TO WHOM” section, your permission would also include physicians, other health care providers (such as nurses), and medical staff who are involved in your medical care at that organization’s facility or that person’s office, and health care providers who are covering or on call for the specified person or organization, and staff members or agents (such as business associates or qualified services organizations) who carry out activities and purpose(s) permitted by this form for that organization or person that you specified. Disclosure may be of health information in paper or oral form or through electronic interchange.
“Purpose”: Your signature on this form does NOT allow health insurers to have access to your health information for the purpose of deciding to give you health insurance or pay your bills. You can make that choice in a separate form that health insurers use.
“Revocation”: You have the right to revoke this authorization and withdraw your permission at any time regarding any future uses by giving written notice. This authorization is automatically revoked when you die. You should understand that organizations that have your permission to access your health information may copy or include your information in their own records. These organizations, in many circumstances, are not required to return any information that they were provided nor are they required to remove it from their own records.
“Re‐disclosure of Information”: Any health information about you may be re‐disclosed to others only to the extent permitted by state and federal laws and regulations. You understand that once your information is disclosed, it may be subject to lawful re‐disclosure, in accordance with applicable state and federal law, and in some cases, may no longer be protected by federal privacy law.
Limitations of this Form: If you want your health information shared for purposes other than for treating you or you want only a portion of your health information shared, you need to use Form Florida AHCA FC4200‐005 (Universal Patient Authorization Form For Limited Disclosure of Health Information), instead of this form. Also, this form cannot be used for disclosure of psychotherapy notes. This form does not obligate your healthcare provider or other person/organization listed in the “From Whom” or “To Whom” section to seek out the information you specified in
the “Of What” section from other sources. Also, this form does not change current obligations and rules about who pays for copies of records.